
2015-02-04 21:29:06 -0500
ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF, LF line terminators
Bytes: 1153 (~ 1.13 KiB)
MD5: 51093a8be932343fc5ff55abaad339aa
SHA1: 499f2e7a43a02c43b8d62118850b79aabad3c7a9

Hexdump of first 128 bytes

0000000: 4d49 446c 6574 2d4e 616d 653a 2055 4357 MIDlet-Name: UCW
0000010: 4542 362e 330a 4d49 446c 6574 2d56 6572 EB6.3.MIDlet-Ver
0000020: 7369 6f6e 3a20 362e 332e 320a 4d49 446c sion: 6.3.2.MIDl
0000030: 6574 2d56 656e 646f 723a 2055 4357 4542 et-Vendor: UCWEB
0000040: 0a4d 4944 6c65 742d 4a61 722d 5552 4c3a .MIDlet-Jar-URL:
0000050: 2068 7474 703a 2f2f 7761 7033 2e75 6377 http://wap3.ucw
0000060: 6562 2e63 6f6d 2f66 696c 6573 2f75 6362 eb.com/files/ucb
0000070: 726f 7773 6572 2f7a 682d 636e 2f39 3939 rowser/zh-cn/999

Hexdump of last 128 bytes

0000401: 6474 6f2e 6d6f 6465 6c3d 3430 3035 0d0a dto.model=4005..
0000411: 6f62 7561 3a20 6254 6b77 4141 6476 6f34 obua: bTkwAAdvo4
0000421: 4f46 5745 7167 3943 3639 5058 7165 374a OFWEqg9C69PXqe7J
0000431: 4a74 5036 4c32 6a68 4c37 464b 6570 4854 JtP6L2jhL7FKepHT
0000441: 3836 4d72 772f 754e 7a48 6338 6a2f 5675 86Mrw/uNzHc8j/Vu
0000451: 4d75 3770 4375 336d 6b64 4e64 7168 4f34 Mu7pCu3mkdNdqhO4
0000461: 5a75 7a69 4942 4b49 6b37 4876 435a 7a39 ZuziIBKIk7HvCZz9
0000471: 6648 6b49 704f 4432 2b57 7267 462b 0d0a fHkIpOD2+WrgF+..
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